by Steve Lenox | Jun 5, 2014 | Blog, Chicago, In The News, News

Invited by University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy to deliver the 2014 King Abdullah II Annual Leadership Lecture on May 12, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins laid out a holistic approach to addressing complex global challenges, emphasizing specifically the interconnectivity of economics, ethics, immigration and the environment.
“Ireland Network Chicago was proud to participate as a Sponsor Partner for this highlight event of the President’s visit to the Midwest” said Seamus Byrne, past President of Ireland Network Chicago and a board member of Irish Network USA. The lecture was hosted by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs at The Drake, an historic hotel in downtown Chicago. At a later reception hosted by Consul General Aidan Cronin and attended by over 800 guests from the Chicago Irish community, the President spoke optimistically on the future of Ireland, the momentum of the economic recovery underway, and the critical role played by the Diaspora in that future.
Also attending the reception hosted by the Consulate was Mary McFarland Brooks, IN Minnesota representative to the INUSA Board. “Becoming part of the INUSA Network has offered our members the opportunity to more fully exercise their support for business, cultural and sport initiatives that tie us back to Ireland in a tangible way,” said Brooks. “I was honored to represent IN Minnesota at this special event and look forward to continuing to build valuable relationships with INUSA chapters and members across the country.”
“Irish Network USA is honored to be able to be a part of these events that do so much to keep the Diaspora engaged with Ireland in a meaningful way,” state Steve Lenox, Co-President of Irish Network USA. “President Higgins offered inspiring words during his time in Chicago and is certainly always welcome to come back and visit with members of any one of our 19 chapters!”
by Deirdre Woodbyrne | May 29, 2014 | Blog, In The News
Irish Network USA is proud to have the support of a great company like Randox and look forward to working with them as a platform for their continued growth in the United States. Randox has some great positions available in the US which might be of interest to our members. Click here to find out more.
By Dr. Peter Fitzgerald • Founder & Managing Director of Randox Laboratories • May 2014

As an all-Ireland, world-class biotechnology company, Randox have a great deal to offer to US healthcare. With extensive facilities in Co Antrim and Co Donegal, Randox has expanded over three decades into one of the world’s leading developers and suppliers of diagnostic products and services for healthcare. Our commitment to the US market is evidenced by our 2010 acquisition of a new North American Headquarters in the West Virginia panhandle, close to Washington DC.
Randox is rated within the top 20 diagnostic companies in the world, and last year 350 million patients, or 5% of the world’s population, were diagnosed using our technology. Employing almost 1300 people including over 300 research scientists and engineers, we trade in 145 countries across the world. Working at the cutting edge of science and discovery means innovation is at the heart of Randox, and each year we return around 20 percent of turnover to our research and development activities.
It was this desire to improve diagnostics that saw over a decade of research, and around $330m invested in developing Randox’s patented BioChip Array Technology. This multiplex technology (undertaking multiple tests simultaneously) is transforming how the world performs diagnostics.
But what drives this innovation? Ultimately it is the desire to improve health and save lives.
Our expertise at developing tests for particular biomarkers, help those involved in frontline healthcare identify conditions and diseases faster and with more accuracy. For example 382 million people currently live with diabetes across the world, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles means this figure is predicted to rise by 55% by 2035. Our recently launched Adiponectin test assesses an individual’s risk of developing diabetes, and allows resources and treatment to be focused on those most at risk. Our Heart type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (h-FABP) test greatly improves the management of those at cardiovascular risk, allowing early, preventative action to be taken. Lives are saved as a result.
One of our key business divisions is focussed on laboratory Quality Control, helping to ensure that laboratory results are reliable. The quality of Randox products meant we recently secured a supplier agreement with Novation – the largest health care supply chain, analytics and contracting company in the US, with 100,000 members.
Randox is also one of the leading suppliers of clinical chemistry analysers in the world and we are proud that the accuracy of our RX branded technology means they are trusted by America’s leading research scientists at Ivy League institutions, including both Harvard and Yale universities.
And our expertise in diagnostics means we have been able to diversify beyond healthcare, into the veterinary, research, forensic, and food safety sectors.
For example, in recent years a Russian, Chinese and EU ban on US meat products has caused significant difficulties for US exports, with the US Ambassador to Moscow estimating US losses of between $5-6m per annum from Russia alone. As the only USDA approved supplier of screening technology for the beta-agonist growth promoter Ractopamine, Randox Food Diagnostics technology helps US exporters demonstrate residue-free products and re-access key markets.
Our expertise also means we are at the vanguard of one of the world’s key health challenges, testing for drugs known as ‘legal highs’. By way of example, Randox are the first company in the world to develop a commercially available test for the synthetic cannabinoid ‘Spice’ and this allowed our Toxicology Division to assist the US Army with a widespread study on the use of legal highs by armed service personnel.
These examples of Randox innovation and expertise mean we are growing at pace within the US market. Our revenue increased by 25% last year, and we have grown our number of US-based staff by a similar margin to fuel and sustain this rise.
As an all-Ireland company with firm roots in the US, Randox is proud to be part of the Irish Network USA. Over 40 million people in the U.S. claim Irish ancestry so it is unsurprising to find many have risen to the top of the American biotechnology sector.
This week, I am delighted to join Belfast Lord Mayor Cllr Mairtin O’Muilleor to participate in the prestigious New York – New Belfast event, celebrating the business and cultural links between these two world famous cities. Similarly we appreciate that both the work ethic, and the value Irish-American’s place on education, provides a strong skills pool as Randox seeks to develop in key regions. Randox has excellent career opportunities available right across the United States, from the Atlantic coast to California, from Illinois to Texas.
At Randox our vision is ‘Revolutionising healthcare through improving diagnostics’. We look forward, and with Irish-American talent, to strengthening our presence in the US – improving healthcare and saving lives.
by Steve Lenox | May 20, 2014 | Buffalo, In The News, News
Buffalo was a well known destination for a lot of Irish economic immigrants. They came after the Great Famine to work in the steel mills and large factories that were prevalent in the area. Today Buffalo boast a popular Irish feis and most recently is the place where the latest chapter addition to the Irish Network USA. This revitalized network spearheaded by Steve Lenox, Deirdre Woodbyrne and John Murphy is taking the US by storm.
Buffalo is the second most populous city in New York state, Buffalo is an architectural gem. Over 12% of its population claims Irish heritage.
“Buffalo has been a destination for Irish immigrants since the founding of this nation, and we have continued to build the Irish community throughout the region,” said Donall O’Carroll, Irish Network Buffalo President. “With such a proud Irish tradition in Western New York, we are hoping the launch will bring out our existing friends and introduce us to new faces as well.”
Irish Network Buffalo joins Irish Network USA to bolster business opportunities and economic development between the United States and Ireland, to support and encourage Irish Arts and Culture through film, literature, theater, dance, and language; to encourage and promote Irish sports through the States; to support the efforts of local Irish organizations and associations; and to serve as a conduit between newly arrived Irish immigrants and their communities in member cities and states.
“The excitement we have seen in Buffalo is contagious and we are excited to officially get Irish Network Buffalo off the ground,” said Steve Lenox, Co-President of Irish Network USA. “Irish Network USA was founded to help Irish, friends of Ireland, and Irish American professionals across the United States connect with peers and to develop relationships to foster success in business, economic, and social ventures. We are excited to now have Buffalo a part of this ever expanding network.”
Irish Network USA is the national umbrella organizations integrating the Irish networks that exist in various cities across the United States. Irish Network Buffalo is the 18th chapter to be launched, with a 19th expected this October in Houston. Currently, Irish Network chapters can be found in Seattle, Bay Area (California), San Diego, Nevada, Phoenix, Colorado, Austin, New Orleans, Chicago, Minnesota, Cleveland, Washington DC, Delaware, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York City, Delaware and Boston.
Irish Network USA is launching its 18th chapter on June 4, 2014, with an event for Irish Network Buffalo onboard the U.S.S. Little Rock at One Naval Park Cove.
The launch will begin at 5:30 and tickets will cost $50.
Posted by Stephen Smith (@StephenJPSmith) of Irish Central.
by Deirdre Woodbyrne | May 19, 2014 | Blog, In The News, Uncategorized
Irish Network USA is proud to once again play a key role in the now annual New York-New Belfast Conference which will take place this year on May 29-30 at Fordham University in New York City. A special 30% discount off the regular registration rate is available to all members of Irish Network USA, click here for more information.
Once again, Steve Lenox, Co-President of Irish Network USA, will serve along with Andrea Haughian of Invest NI and Paul McErlean, Managine Director of MCE Public Relations in Belfast as Conference Moderators. Additionally, Deirdre Woodbyrne, Executive Director of Irish Network USA, will help lead a panel discussion on using networking to engage the Diaspora.
Conference Organizer, and long time friend of Irish Network USA, Mairtin O’Muilleoir, offered his thoughts on the importance of this conference:
“The New York-New Belfast Conference is the largest annual business gathering celebrating and cementing links between the great cities of Belfast and New York. It is the pre-eminent initiative by any community in Ireland to link into Irish America.
The conference was born from the desire of Irish America to build the peace in Belfast with partnerships of commerce, culture and community.
The venue for the summit which attracts between 150-200 leaders from both cities and showcases exciting developments, is Fordham University Lincoln Campus, New York City.
Previous contributors have included architect Daniel Libeskind, NI Finance Minister Sammy Wilson, Congressman Richie Neal, head of Friends of Ireland on Capitol Hill, Loretta Brennan Glucksman, Chair Ireland Funds, author Peter Hamill, US Economic Envoy Declan Kelly and Speaker of New York City Council Christine Quinn.
The conference ranges over an opening evening and full day of exciting events, discussions, debates and presentations, including a luncheon honoring 50 companies with operations in the US and Ireland, a reception at the residence of the Ambassador of Ireland in New York, and the presentation of the Irish American of the Year Award. While the first evening focuses on culture and arts, the day-long plenary concentrates on business linkages between both cities.
The 2014 conference will take place on 29-30 May where speakers will include NI Minister for Justice David Ford, New York State Representatives Brian Kavanagh, Alex Brook-Krasny, Mike Cusick and Mike Fitzpatrick, Andrea Haughian of Invest NI and Alison Metcalfe of Tourism Ireland.
We invite you to come rub shoulders with leading representatives of companies with strong operations in both the US and Ireland: HBO, Citi, NYSE, Aer Lingus, Tourism Ireland, Invest NI, KPMG,, Squire Sanders Dempsey, Bombardier, First Derivatives, Almac, Randox, Concentrix, Magners, UNITED, and Moet-Hennessy, to name just a few.”
To register, go to
by Deirdre Woodbyrne | Apr 30, 2014 | In The News, New Orleans, Press Releases, Uncategorized
Two Local High School Students to Attend University College Dublin High School Summer Program
New Orleans, LA– Irish Network New Orleans (IN-NOLA), a chapter of Irish Network USA (INUSA), announced recently that local high school students Helene Lovette and Holly Smith were this year’s winners of IN-NOLA’s annual scholarship contest. Selected from more than 20 applicants, Helene and and Holly will now have the opportunity to attend University College Dublin’s (UCD) High School Summer Program free of charge. Funds for the scholarship were raised by IN-NOLA members through membership funds and various events held throughout the year. The scholarship includes full tuition, travel and accommodation.
“We are so proud to be able to offer these two outstanding young students an opportunity to travel to and study in Ireland as part of this exclusive program this summer,” stated Adrian D’Arcy, President, Irish Network New Orleans. “Since launching Irish Network New Orleans in 2011 it has been our mission to strengthen the connections between the City we have chosen to live in and raise families with the place that we all will always call ‘home’. We believe in using the power of education to help accomplish this and are grateful to all who participated in its success.”
Dr. Laura Kelley, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, commended all of the students that participated in this year’s contest and noted that “the ability of Helene and Holly to so eloquently connect the events surrounding the Irish Famine and the much more recent and local disaster of Hurricane Katrina with the strength of community really moved the scholarship committee. We look forward to hearing how their experience in Dublin this summer shapes their outlook on the communities around them.”
This year’s scholarship contest was opened up to high school juniors from throughout New Orleans with applications coming from a diverse range of students. In response to the City of New Orleans being selected by the Irish Government to host the 2014 International Famine Commemoration applicants were given the theme “The Great Famine and Hurricane Katrina, How Disaster Defines Us” and asked to consider the similarities and differences between these two events, consider the survival strategies employed by these communities and to consider how these disasters defined both places. Essays had to be 500 to 1000 words in length.
“Through this contest and scholarship award made possible by an all-volunteer organization, Irish Network New Orleans is showing that they are part of the very best the Irish Diaspora has to offer,” stated Deirdre Woodbyrne, Executive Director, Irish Network USA. “As we look forward towards out first annual conference later this year, and the launch of our 18th and 19th chapters, we use what IN-NOLA has done as a guide to the sort of impact our chapters can make in their local communities as well back home.”
Irish Network USA is the national umbrella organization integrating the Irish networks that exist in various cities across the United States. Currently, Irish Network chapters can be found in Seattle, Bay Area (California), San Diego, Nevada, Phoenix, Colorado, Austin, New Orleans, Chicago, Minnesota, Cleveland, Washington DC, Delaware, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York City, Delaware and Boston. An 18th and 19th chapter will be launched later this year in Buffalo, NY and Houston, TX.
About the winners:
Helene Lovett:
Helene attends Lusher Charter School. She loves creative writing and science and is interested in establishing cross-cultural connections with teens from different backgrounds. She makes these connections locally with through art by serving on a board of high schoolers to create arts opportunities for a diverse group of New Orleans teens, and internationally by skyping Jordanian students about cultural perspectives on climate change. She can’t wait to learn about Irish culture this summer!
Click here to read Helene’s Essay.
Holly Smith:
Holly is a junior at Metairie Park Country Day School. She runs cross country, track, and plays a little bit of soccer. Holly is the editor of the school magazine, Eh, La-Bas!, an inductee of Country Day’s first National Honor Society Chapter, and has participated in two of Country Day’s exchange programs: one to Paris, France and the other to Cape Town and Bulungula, South Africa. Over the summer Holly has worked at Mr. Fish Swim School where she teaches young children swimming. Holly’s interests include reading, movies, and hanging out with her friends.
Click here to read Holly’s Essay.
Click here to learn more about UCD’s program.
Adrian D’Arcy
(504) 701-8466
Deirdre Woodbyrne
(201) 669-0720