“Older Than Ireland” a film directed by our friend Alex Fegan

Following their successful screening in Boston, Irish Network USA is excited to introduce our members to “Older Than Ireland” a film directed by our friend Alex Fegan which has been described as “a heartfelt piece of work, sensitively filmed and beautifully shot.” This film is a fantastic opportunity for Irish, Irish Americans and ‘friends’ of Ireland to witness stories of Ireland, as told through the eyes of thirty Irish centenarians.

“We are proud that our ‘Irish Pub Film’ was presented at the first Irish Network USA Film Festival in 2014, and subsequently shown by chapters across the US” said Alex Fegan, Director. “As we planned our US tour for ‘Older Than Ireland’ we specifically looked for cities that have a strong Irish Network presence.”

‘Older Than Ireland’ will launch in NYC tomorrow at the The Cinema Village, 22E 12th St, Manhattan at 7:00 p.m. and will play there until May 5. Alex will also be on hand for a Q&A screening on Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st. ‘Older Than Ireland will also be screening in Atlanta, Houston, Minnesota and San Diego during the months of May and June, more details can be found here.

Keeping with our mission of helping to promote Irish culture through film, we are proud that Alex Fegan believes “Irish Network USA is absolutely vital for Irish filmmakers and artists to be able to reach Irish Diaspora and people interested in Irish stories” and we hope that the Global Irish community will take the opportunity to see this wonderful film when it screens near them.

If you’d like more information about how you can arrange for a screening of the film near you email us by clicking here.


To view the trailer :http://www.cinemavillage.com/Now-Playing/older-than-ireland.html?d=20160502

And for ticket info: http://www.cinemavillage.com/Now-Playing/older-than-ireland.html?d=20160502